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El Nino F5D
El Nino F5D

El Nino F5D

Your Price: U$479.00
Part Number:El Nino F5D
Wing Span: 1.36 m (53.5")
Length: 800 mm (31.5")
Wing Area: 14.8 dm2 (229 sq. in.)
Wing Airfoil: special
Wing Loading: 57g/dm2 (14 oz/sq. ft.)
Flying Weight: 700-1000 g (25-35 oz)
Radio: Sub Micro servos and micro receiver recommended
Motor: 2-5 cells Li
Mega 16/15/3, 2W-20, 1w-30
Mega 16/35/1

El Nino: designed for speed and dynamic flying

Easy to build and easy to fly, this open class racer will fill the enthusiasts with big thrills, with the right setup speed of over 150mph have been clocked!

This is a highly prefabricated kit, made for easy motor and radio installation. It has a long fuselage to damp longitudinal; stability, very high aspect ratio wing. T-tail for ground clearance.

It is a pleasant racer trainer equipped with a 3S LiPo battery pack, but becomes a small rocket with a 5S pack.

The El Nino will give you the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of speed.


  • Fuselage: Fiberglas epoxy moulded, gelcoated.
  • Wing and stab: Hollow moulded, fibreglass sandwich, painted in the moulds
  • Hardware: motor mount, elevator push rod, music wire, snap-keeper, plywood reinforcements, screws...
  • Stickers
  • Step by step building instructions
  • Complete power package available upon request

Complete power package available, motor, controller, folding prop and batteries, inquiry for current pricing.

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